The Stars We Lost To Grief

This is my first Quake map; a short little 1024 map with a vaguely wizard/runic theme. I had a few false starts working in Quake (too ambitious, too obsessed with building some grand narrative, etc), so I forced myself into a 1024x1024x1024 cube to ensure I focused on encounter design and reasonable scope. It still took longer than it has any right to, but hey, I'm getting better.

Note: This map requires a modern engine/port with increased limits.


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4.33 star(s) 6 ratings

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Despite having such limited space to make the map in, there are so many little tricks and traps keeping you constantly guessing what is going to happen next. Only downside being that it is over pretty quick as what is in here is really great.
I think that "The Stars We Lost to Grief" is a huge triumph of a first map. It is well constructed, and has some clever encounters ideas. However it is also probably more difficult than it needs to be due to just how constrained many of the spaces are. A little more room for movement would have elevated this to near perfection for me.