sm229_4lt: nice looking texture combo, and several nice fights with stuff opening up. liked the end fighting shamblers with spawns bouncing around
sm229_avix: happy to report i completed all objectives in 'satanic weenie roast' by opening the hotdog room. the GL fight over lava was cool, good map
sm229_cc: really cool, just a fun time exploring a classic id1 castle and stumbling forward and walking into traps
sm229_chadquad: kind of a neat look with the rusty metal panels and that weird fire face texture ...the pentagram texture is sorta b0rked though. liked how things opened up at the start of the map, felt very doom
sm229_daviddg: lot of cool detail mapobjects made for this level, the paintings are really cleverly done. nice quick little roam around a 'realistic fantasy' sort of manor
sm229_haikids: great looking lighting here with the concrete textures and steel bar trims. lost it when the hell knight leaped over the enforcers at me lol
sm229_hcm: awesome look and i loved the waterslides those were fun. really well put together, and fun to explore
sm229_lob: great level! great use of texture theme and brushwork, you wouldn't even realize it was restricted. shout out to using the same texture for both lights and buttons!
sm229_markie: i only found one secret, and the only thing in it was a spawn. 10/10, no notes. nice AD styled honey brick map
sm229_milestone: wow this was a fun adventure of a map, nice theme going down an evil sandy cavern. enjoyed playing through this one
sm229_mrtaufner: cool look of a map, feels like a vr tactical stealth looking sort of theme almost. got a little lost at the end, but it was a fun map
sm229_rabbit: really unique colorful look to this, really got a lot of milage out of those wood textures and using rotations as 'different' floor textures. loved the end battle combat. nice map
sm229_recycledoj: fun blue brick map with spawns hidden behind illusory windows, you know i love it. good map
sm229_scampie: i realized after the end that liquids weren't counted, so technically this is 4 textures i guess lol
sm229_spoot: really good ep4 style map, the purple/orange lighting looked great here. got a little overeager during the quad run and died twice
sm229_warrenm: feels like a classic custom map from back in the day with some detailing. ended up sneaking in the backway to get the gold key before the silver key

good map
sm229_zeta: good knave style map, another map that has a light texture pull double duty as a button. liked the shambler at the start behind a slowly opening door