
  1. Caffeine Freak

    Black Hole Event 1.1

    This is a map I created for a level design jam this past month. For the jam, we were given the option to choose between 2 themes: 'Extreme', or 'Four Minutes and Thirty-three Seconds.' I chose the latter theme, and applied it simply by giving a time limit for completing the map. Once you pass...
  2. spootnik

    SM229 - Six Textures #3 1.0

    SM229 - Six Textures, Part 3 Start: Friday, Oct 25 End: Sunday, Oct 27, 2024 Progs: Vanilla The main rule: *6 textures only* including the sky, but not including utility textures (trigger/clip/skip, etc.) or liquids. *No* custom music. *No* skyboxes. *No* trim sheets. Any theme was allowed...
  3. 4LT

    Jam Two Tone Jam 2.0

    Two Tone Jam is a jam that requires participants to combine two different colors, themes, or motifs! It's a speedmap event (~48 hours) using the venerable Copper mod as a base. Participants: * 4LT * CommonCold * iYago * Lobotomy Lobster * Milestone * Mizuki * mrtaufner * ZetaByt * zigi
  4. zigi

    SM228 - Vanilla 1.0

    18 maps + a start map using good old "vanilla" id progs and id textures! Maps: start - Back to Basics by VuRkka sm228_66ppt99 - Dune by 66ppt99 sm228_alexunder - These aren't the Fiends You're Looking for by alexUnder sm228_avix - The Magmarena by Avix sm228_chuma - Dungeon Crawling Paradox by...
  5. zigi

    Speedmapping pack 228 - Vanilla

    Speedmapping pack 228 - Vanilla Make a Quake map using good old "vanilla" id progs and id textures! Rules: - Standard id progs - id textures aka Quake 101 wad only ( https://www.quaketastic.com/files/texture_wads/quake101.wad ) - (clip/skip textures can be used) - No custom skyboxes, colored...
  6. spootnik

    SM227 - Thunderbolts and Lightning! 1.10

    SM227 brings you Thunderbolts and Lightning! Thematically open to interpretation, the jam had just one rule: maps must include a Thunderbolt (aka Lightning Gun)! This speedmapping event also includes some new mini powerups, custom designed by @Fairweather! A mini-pentagram, mini-quad-damage...
  7. spootnik

    SM227 - Thunderbolts and Lightning!

    Start: Now End: Sunday, Nov 19, 2023 11:59PM Progs: Custom Copper mod, included here. Another speedmapping event, SM227, brings you Thunderbolts and Lightning! It's up to you to interpret this theme however you want, but there's just one rule: your map must include a Thunderbolt (aka Lightning...
  8. h4724

    Jam SM226 - Grisly Grottos 2023-09-19

    10 speedmaps + start map inspired by e1m4 - The Grisly Grotto. Mappers had 60 hours to create a map using custom progs - based on Copper and featuring the diving gear from Dwell - with no restrictions on texturing or gameplay other than the prompt. The event ran from midnight UTC on 16/09/2023...
  9. h4724

    SM226 - Grisly Grottos starts now!

    Deep below Gloom Keep, buried and forgotten for aeons, the Grisly Grotto waits... For you to hastily reinterpret it. The namesake and theme for this speedmapping session is e1m4, an all-time classic from Quake's shareware episode. There are no strict restrictions on textures or anything else for...
  10. spootnik

    Coffee Quake 2: Double Shot v1.2final

    The speediest of map jam packs is back by popular demand. Coffee Quake 2 brings you 132 maps, all made within 2 hours, across four episode themes. Episode 1: Egypt Episode 2: Runic Episode 3: Koohoo Episode 4: Elder This jam features 132 two-hour speedmaps by 36 mappers! Featuring maps by...