Spootnik got underwater tension just right, I was getting occasional flashbacks to Mazus Abyss of the Troglodytes at times.
Shadesmaster did verticality really nicely, I enjoyed running past those Shamblers too hehe
Yoder really made you think about the logic of the place. Echoes of Arcane Dimensions, the environment felt special.
Stickflip really nailed that 'oh I was down there earlier' thing in a short and sweet action-packed journey.
bmFbr no Based Ziggurat
Mazu I love that light sphere thing you do, loved the gratifying secrets too
Solipsist I loved this. Great tricks, audacious hot start, constant threat, great vibes. Takes skill and talent to make something so short so consummate.
Mike_C I ran the whole time, got everybody infighting and watched the kill count go up on the stats screen
Magnetbox those tight underwater corridors were cool, so were the rune blocks
Lobotomy Lobster that boat journey cjased by scrags was fantastic