I tend to find modern giant maps rather daunting and overwhelming, so this map pack felt just like what the doctor ordered. The game is clearly doing something right for me, if it makes me want to finish a whole episode in a single sitting.
Limiting mappers to two hours seemed to really force them to focus on what matters the most when it comes to Quake, which is gameplay. And as an added bonus, the simple level aesthetics gave many of the maps a nice vanilla look to them. And when you combine that with the fact that the game runs on pure vanilla progs, no Copper mod, no anything, you've got an extra vanilla feeling experience in your hands, in a nice way. (Or maybe I should say, the game feels like drinking coffee all black, with none of that milk, sugar or creamer garbage!)
That's not to say there aren't gorgeous looking maps while still not sacrificing on gameplay, which is pretty astounding, considering the time limit.
The episodes feel surprisingly balanced, considering the huge amount of maps and mappers, and the limited overall direction between maps. In addition to having 4 distinct episode themes, there's a lot of variety within a single episode: exploration, experimental gameplay, tightly crafted fights, more easy-going maps, slaughtermaps and so on. This level and mapper variety really helps to keeps things fresh and probably partly explained, why I just kept on wanting to play.
But the very same limits that brought about such invention, brought along its own drawbacks, such as gameplay or geometry that can get noticeably rough and unrefined. Maps couldn't be tested rigorously enough to prevent breaking some combat encounters. And while the overall episode balancing works out surprisingly well, some maps really suffer from the extra equipment the player can carry over from previous maps.
To sum up, this is one of my favourite recent Quake releases. The bite-sized gameplay-focused vanilla-style levels make it easy to approach. You can play just a couple of levels, if you so desire, but if you're anything like me, you'll probably end up going like "just one more level" to see what the episode has up its sleeve next. All in all, I think I'd rate the package somewhere in the ballpark of 4.5/5 stars.