Very close to being a great little gem of a map...
I see what you're doing here and like the idea. The concept of having a mostly empty "hub" to go through between the dungeons is a good swing at a kind of pacing and atmosphere, and it's nicely eerie at first, but yeah I think in the end it is a little bit too much empty space.
The ending is also a bit of a wet fart? I know it's always hard to figure out how to end a Quake map in any novel way, but it really feels like you ran completely out of steam just at the finish line.

Also (minor thing) it's a little odd to show a couple of interesting spaces -- doorway behind glass, and the area with the computer console with the standard "shoot me" button texture on it -- that I'm _fairly_ sure are not actually part of the playable area. Granted, I missed several secrets, but out of curiousity I noclipped around there a bit and they seem like dead space.
The construction of the map, especially the use of outdoor-ish spaces, are great to look at and explore through. Even with the sparse monster placement there are some fun surprises and fights as well. Definitely worth playing IMO!