You Are the Inch Valley Captive

Reviews 3.63 star(s) 5 reviews

The architecture/level design is really fun to move through. There's a good sense of scale.

The enemy encounters are a bit sparse and not challenging, but fun nonetheless. I liked the quad run at the end of the level.

Good map dude!(y)
I think there was a lot of potential in the map, at the same time I was most of the time thinking what to do, was I in the good progression or not, not really knowing what to do or even thinking I missed something

I also get inside a room (were the nail wall is going into it and I didn't have any Idea if there was a way to escape this trap

I will certainty follow you future release I have no doubt there is not a lot of effort to put in, to create something great :)

Thanks for releasing this one :)
Thanks for the support and for the time you spent playing and commenting, Stef! I appreciate that playing this had its moments of frustration. I took a risk to not handhold players when it came to designing the progression in this one, and in some specific instances like the spike shooter trap you mention. I expected some people may not like it. But I appreciate the feedback! And thank you so much for encouraging me and saying you'll play my future projects, I hope to have another map to share before too long now,
Very close to being a great little gem of a map...

I see what you're doing here and like the idea. The concept of having a mostly empty "hub" to go through between the dungeons is a good swing at a kind of pacing and atmosphere, and it's nicely eerie at first, but yeah I think in the end it is a little bit too much empty space.

The ending is also a bit of a wet fart? I know it's always hard to figure out how to end a Quake map in any novel way, but it really feels like you ran completely out of steam just at the finish line. :-) Also (minor thing) it's a little odd to show a couple of interesting spaces -- doorway behind glass, and the area with the computer console with the standard "shoot me" button texture on it -- that I'm _fairly_ sure are not actually part of the playable area. Granted, I missed several secrets, but out of curiousity I noclipped around there a bit and they seem like dead space.


The construction of the map, especially the use of outdoor-ish spaces, are great to look at and explore through. Even with the sparse monster placement there are some fun surprises and fights as well. Definitely worth playing IMO!
Thanks again for the considered feedback Joel! I can't disagree with any of it. I had an idea with this one and saw it through, which I'm proud to say. But for a long time I've known what I would do differently. For my next map, I think I'm going smaller, denser, more intense, and shorter.

Thanks a ton for playing it, for the feedback, your honesty, and the support!!
I thought the architecture of the map was really great in places because of its winding and non-linear nature. However, the battles felt very random at times and were not particularly challenging. The distribution of weapons and pickups didn't really make sense to me either. Meeting zombies without being able to kill them always annoys me a lot. Apart from that, I had a lot of fun. Thank you.
Thanks for playing another of my maps Gonzo! It really means a lot. I think we're on the same page re: the empty space. I had something in mind when I designed it like that. And I know it's struck other players differently, some like it or just don't. But, like I said to Joel, I want my next map to have a whole lot less empty space.

I am curious though... do you have any sense for what elements of my encounters that are contributing to that "random" feeling you mentioned? At any rate, thanks again!
An interesting idea and architecture, but in some places the map is empty.
Thanks for taking the time to play this Andrew! I'm glad there was something in there that you liked. And I'm going to take to heart what people including yourself are saying about my use of empty space. On one hand, I think maybe it's an expectation thing among players of Quake custom maps. I was playing against convention a little, but I am fully willing to own that I did that perhaps not entirely successfully. Next time: smaller, denser, more intense, and shorter.