Skull Hunt by Zaka

Hold on, I had overlooked all the changes in the map previously, whoops. There are many issues that kinda break the whole level for what it used to be. Most of the proper trick jumps are gone, ledge around teleporter, the main room jumping ledge ramp thing, outside ramp is made easier with some light ramps. Even the lip around the LG door is gone so ramp jumping up is not the same.

On top of these problems there is some bsp error with the ramp next to mega health which you can see right through.

Health packs on ledge that leads to green armor are rotated I think which makes them spawn in completely wrong place, 32 units towards the ledge. Rotating items is not a good idea if thats the case here.
Sorry, I posted these and then forgot to check back for updates. I'll take a look into these issues when I get the time. The map currently displays fine and items are placed properly when playing the quake rerelease (kex) version of the game, and the gameplay is identical too (not sure why this tricks wouldn't work in qw clients). I'll have to see why it's all jacked up in QW though.
The classic MP board Skull is an awesome layout with a somewhat bizarre texture. This reskin is a definite upgrade.