Time to Belong


Apr 14, 2023
~rj submitted a new resource:

Time to Belong - Episode consisting of four medium classic id-themed maps plus start map and Zer-themed end map.

A small episode that's been in development hell on my hard drive for way too long. It is pretty much classic vanilla Quake SP, but has a few small QC changes and extra sounds resulting in its own progs.dat, which qualifies it as a 'mod' for upload purposes.

The four main maps each follow a classic id theme (idbase, wizard, runic, elder) and the end map is Zerstorer-themed (it's pretty much an extended mashup of end and zerend). There's also a start map for good measure.

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I keep getting

Host_Error: SOLID_BSP with a non bsp model (misc_teleporttrain at -2644.089111 1528.819336 -71.133240)

errors on the last level. I think monsters keep find their way into the teleport
I keep getting

Host_Error: SOLID_BSP with a non bsp model (misc_teleporttrain at -2644.089111 1528.819336 -71.133240)

errors on the last level. I think monsters keep find their way into the teleport
Oh no, that is so annoying. I'm assuming you weren't anywhere near the moving teleport ball when it happened? Did you see any monsters near the end teleporter?

After a quick search on the error I found https://www.celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=61745#post_206298 - other than misc_teleporttrain being generally buggy and crash-prone, I'm wondering if it doesn't like making contact with more than one entity at once when it isn't specifically the player and Shub. If monsters are sneaking through that end teleport, that would make sense.

If it's not too much trouble, can I please ask you to try adding this pak1.pak to the folder and reloading your savegame to see if it still happens? https://www.quaketastic.com/files/single_player/maps/ttb/pak1.pak - I've just changed the teleport to player only in the hope it helps, Hoping it doesn't screw the savegame up as entities shouldn't have changed order or anything.
I think I found a softlock at this point. I stepped onto the elevator platform and backed out, and it left without me.
I think I found a softlock at this point. I stepped onto the elevator platform and backed out, and it left without me.
You're right, sorry about that. I should have expanded the trigger so it can be tripped at the edge of the shaft. Thanks for highlighting it, it's reminded me of the need to be extra careful with toggleable func_doors!

I will get a version 1.01 up soon with the above issues fixed, if anyone else spots anything please shout