QCVM - Standalone QuakeC Virtual Machine written in C89


Feb 18, 2022
Alabama, USA
I was bored and decided to write a prototype for a standalone QuakeC Virtual Machine (aka interpreter) that runs in (almost) pure C89. It's heavily based on John Carmack's original Quake code, but with the parts that tie back to the Quake engine ripped out. The goal is to make QuakeC a viable scripting language for applications & games other than ones derived from the Quake engine.

Let me know what you think, I'm interested in feedback and thoughts.

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Neat! Glad to hear others working on projects like this. I had wanted something like this to write automated tests with, but it seemed too a much of a project to take on for just that purpose.
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I glanced through the code and had to comment on how wonderfully clean and concise it is.

As a true admirer of low-level code, I just had to say nice work!
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Thank you! I tried to make it as simple as possible to make it easier for people to implement it into their codebase, if they so desired. Also I tried to keep it C89 compliant for (hopefully) maximum portability. Thanks for the kind words!