czg01 - Research Facility


New member
Jul 8, 2022
Uppsala, Sweden
cng submitted a new resource:

czg01 - Research Facility - Very old school idbase themed level, very obviously one of the authors earlier efforts. Trash.

This is the first level I ever released on the internet.
This is the original bsp, warts and all, no bugs fixed.
Should be playable in any engine.
  1. Extract the file czg01.bsp to your quake/id1/maps folder.
  2. Run Quake, pull down the console and enter map czg01 to play.
Not much of a story here. It's just some rooms and corridors and fullbright outdoor areas connected together. It's all rather...

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Would like to do a remaster of this. Fixing the absolute glaring bugs, eliminating the fullbright/fulldark areas, and just generally prettying it up. It would probably be more like a remake than a remaster though.
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