
  1. Ninjasaurus

    Tower of Minak 1.1

    My first quake map, requires AD 1.80, quake engine with increased limits, Ironwail is recommended. My attempt at a semi non-linear loopety loop map. Takes place in a tower in the sky that has a lot of books for some reason. Playtesters - Lobotomy-Lobster, Alexunder, Mopebloke, Euclidius...
  2. Night Vision

    STARFIELD 2023-02-03

    Some skyboxes that feature varying levels and patterns of scrolling stars. Origin unknown.
  3. Makkon

    Makkon Skyboxes 1

    Assembled inside of Unreal Engine 5 using the addon Ultra Dynamic Sky, these skyboxes have been exported and formatted for use in quake, at 1k resolution. I plan to update this pack as I make more. Let me know if there's some specific scenarios and colors you'd like to have. Enjoy! Below are...
  4. ptoing

    Two Dopefish Sky Textures to End All Quake Sky Textures 1.0100010001001111010100000100010100100001

    Two Dopefish Sky Textures to End All Quake Sky Textures Two perfect sky textures of our LORD and SAVIOUR DOPEFISH. As we all know almost an entire ramp of the Quake palette was sacrificed to the DOPEFISH. This was not a mistake, it was what HAD TO happen. For the DOPEFISH is almighty. The two...