Two Dopefish Sky Textures to End All Quake Sky Textures
Two perfect sky textures of our LORD and SAVIOUR DOPEFISH. As we all know almost an entire ramp of the Quake palette was
sacrificed to the DOPEFISH. This was not a mistake, it was what HAD TO happen. For the DOPEFISH is almighty.
The two textures DOPEFISH and DOPEBACK are quite probably the best in the whole of the id canon of textures,
not just in Quake. Because of this I only edited the DOPEFISH slightly, to ensure the skies display nicely.
I also provided a second texture with alternating flipped DOPEFISHES, but this might already be sacrilege, and I am now
living in fear for the rest of my mortal existence. Who knows when and if the DOPEFISH might smite me.
The blue background DOPEFISH is displayed on top of tiles perfectly, I don't know of any texture which tiles better.
And the colours, two subtle shades of blue and a black, perfect in their balance. There was no other way to accomplish this than to
sacrifice the whole 14th row of the Quake palette, for he needed a worthy background to swim upon. Behold the DOPEFISH and
bask in its glory.
Our DOPEFISH who art in the Well of Wishes,
hallowed be thy name;
thy fishdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Quake.
Give us this day our daily blue,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
(especially Makkon, for he knows not what he does.)
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the fishdom,
and the blueness, and the glory,
for ever and ever.
The Disciples of the 14th Row bow before you.
May your Son, the blue dragon, protect us all.
Go forth and spread the love of these textures, add to the multitude of The Disciples of the 14th Row.
Use these texture as you wish, as long as you don't do anything which the owners of the DOPEFISH
(for there are elder, less kind gods above him) wont like, such as selling images of the DOPEFISH or depictions of it for money!
Two perfect sky textures of our LORD and SAVIOUR DOPEFISH. As we all know almost an entire ramp of the Quake palette was
sacrificed to the DOPEFISH. This was not a mistake, it was what HAD TO happen. For the DOPEFISH is almighty.
The two textures DOPEFISH and DOPEBACK are quite probably the best in the whole of the id canon of textures,
not just in Quake. Because of this I only edited the DOPEFISH slightly, to ensure the skies display nicely.
I also provided a second texture with alternating flipped DOPEFISHES, but this might already be sacrilege, and I am now
living in fear for the rest of my mortal existence. Who knows when and if the DOPEFISH might smite me.
The blue background DOPEFISH is displayed on top of tiles perfectly, I don't know of any texture which tiles better.
And the colours, two subtle shades of blue and a black, perfect in their balance. There was no other way to accomplish this than to
sacrifice the whole 14th row of the Quake palette, for he needed a worthy background to swim upon. Behold the DOPEFISH and
bask in its glory.
Our DOPEFISH who art in the Well of Wishes,
hallowed be thy name;
thy fishdom come;
Thy will be done on earth as it is in Quake.
Give us this day our daily blue,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
(especially Makkon, for he knows not what he does.)
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the fishdom,
and the blueness, and the glory,
for ever and ever.
The Disciples of the 14th Row bow before you.
May your Son, the blue dragon, protect us all.
Go forth and spread the love of these textures, add to the multitude of The Disciples of the 14th Row.
Use these texture as you wish, as long as you don't do anything which the owners of the DOPEFISH
(for there are elder, less kind gods above him) wont like, such as selling images of the DOPEFISH or depictions of it for money!