The Pharaoh's Cage

Reviews 3.25 star(s) 2 reviews

I was very undecided about this map. The adventure feeling was definitely there and I felt like I was playing Tomb Raider. On Hard, the big fights were a bit difficult and frustrating. At least for me. I had to use every trick in the book just to get through it, annoyed. Nonetheless, a great map. Thank you.

PS: I think every map deserves a readme.
Thanks for the review! Can you tall me which fights were frustrating to you and why?
A great Egypt map that might need to be ever so slightly tuned down a notch. As far as level interactivity, progression, aesthetics, traps, secrets etc. go, this is awesome, feels very trope-y but in a good way, full on Indiana Jones + Tomb Raider. It's clearly a passionate project. The combat encounters are possibly too over the top considering the place available to the player and sometimes ammo can be quite hard to manage. I think this might even be too hard even on Hard. There are plenty of small things to be aware of, like crushing the many ogres with spikes, breaking pillars for ammo, "only killing enough to get a specific target and then running out", but either it is a bit too vague (I like some of the vagueness but it's not for everybody), or, even when you do see the "solution" for the hopeless situation, it's still in max gear. I do want to see more Egypt shenanigans though and it's still worthy of a play, possibly on Normal or Easy though (haven't tried to see if enemy setups are changed but I would hope so lol).
I'm glad you liked it! Ya I do have to agree that the level is a tad bit too hard on hard/nightmare, even for me. On easy/normal it is a lot more manageable. I only removed certain monsters from difficult encounters for those difficulty options. I would still encourage people to try it out on hard/nightmare if they regularly play maps on those difficulties. Thank you for playing and leaving a nice review. :)