Hidden Cursed Crypt

Reviews 4.10 star(s) 4 reviews

Very nice for a first!

Decent brushwork and lighting, nice game flow and monster population, sticking to one theme... very good!

One little thing for improvement: sometimes monsters can be caught behind the elaborate doorframes and arches. If they get stuck, they will be harmless, and can be gunned down with no risk. May i suggest adding a few 'noclip' brushes to guide the monsters?

Very nice! Another mapper i have expectations for...
Thanks for your work, and thanks for sharing!
A nice map snack I just enjoyed before supper. Just good solid stuff, Quake as I like it. More and longer maps would be very appreciated.
Thank you so much.
Hi, first of all congratulations on the release of your first map. In release 1.1 you unfortunately forgot to mention that it requires Copper which led to me playing it without. That's why I had to deal with a lot of bugs and couldn't finish it because the platform didn't work.

Now I've played it with Copper and really enjoyed it. I really liked the architecture and the flow. Only two doors opened a bit awkwardly through walls. But apart from that, a really successful map that makes you want more. Thank you very much.
A very compact and cute map, made at a high level.