Dungeon Ascension

I think I missed Dungeoncrawl, Dungeonescape, Dungeonspeed until now. So I played them.

IMHO, the best method to play a map is, to locate it in the time range it is meant to be located by the author. So I located these three, maybe, 1997-1999. It fits for me, because I play Quake since 1998. ( With breaks of years .... )

So, remembering these time of rough pixels and low rooms, it was really fun. Charm of the imperfect.

And so with Dungeonascension. More modern, a forward-driving soundtrack, secrets 4/6. All my dark heart desires.

In the back of my head, of cause, the wonderful knowledge that I may return to infinite concrete worlds (and so on) whenever I like.

( Btw, will there ever be a new version of Arcane Dimensions? )

Just rated this a 5. Thanx. You made my saturday.