Work in Progress: What are you mapping?

I'll start us off with a few SM scraps. One from Re-release Textures SM and the other from Prototype SM.

This first one isn't actually that far from release, it's got only a few more areas to do and then it's shippable. Re-uses the Honey rocket/grenade progression mechanic in a non-linear level. I am pretty fond of this one.

This one is technically my largest map ever made, clocking in at 300 monsters, and with no giant horde combat to speak of. I really wish to finish this one day, but look at it! I hardly have time for the medium sized maps I put out today, this is just too much!


I'm working on game with a TrenchBroom to Unity plugin, kinda like Qodot, so you can basically treat Unity like another Quake engine to make your own games (assuming we'll still be using Unity in a few years lol) ... it's still very early and not ready for public use but you can look at it here

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Oh so you're just applying the whole texture sheet in TB and once it's in Unity it gets hotspotted? Super cool.
god it's been so long since i've posted on an actual forum.

anyway, been blocking out a new level, trying new layout styles and seeing what feels best for me. it has a little bit of non-linearity. this map has two paths you can take at the beginning of the level, with the other path being locked off until you finish the path you chose first. also has a few hidden (but intended) skips.


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I'm trying to recreate the Quake's start map from memory, perhaps for an upcoming community project in the future! However I'd like to develop and release a few original maps before I start to consider opening a community project as I still need to get familiar with the Quake mapping workflow.

Though, I haven't worked on this since the start of the year, and this screenshot was from about that time as well so I might continue work on it eventually.
I'm trying to recreate the Quake's start map from memory, perhaps for an upcoming community project in the future! However I'd like to develop and release a few original maps before I start to consider opening a community project as I still need to get familiar with the Quake mapping workflow.
It's quite funny, actually. I did this with a small section of E1M1. It's totally from memory, and I think I got pretty close without even giving it a peek. I think a "Quake but we remade everything from our memory" community project would be hilarious and very fun in the future.

OriginalFrom my memory
It's quite funny, actually. I did this with a small section of E1M1. It's totally from memory, and I think I got pretty close without even giving it a peek. I think a "Quake but we remade everything from our memory" community project would be hilarious and very fun in the future.
Hah! Looks quite accurate. I've made a few maps for the "from memory" projects for Doom 1 and Doom 2 and I can confirm that it was super fun working on the maps and playing through them too.
Drowning in maps & projects. It happened accidentaly. So I am working kinda simultaniously on 4 tasks. Yeah it's crazy...

1. Tiers of Madness AD map. It started as art-pass of Chris Holden's prototype (out of Prototype 2 jam) but naturally grew into 20 times bigger map. It's closest to release I have. Geo is done. Gameplay - half way there. In general it's linear in fashion of Half-Life maps where u constantly move forward with no turning back, with no reuse of space. Same here. Start at the very bottom and slowly climbing to the tops of the Wizards Tower... In general, as an experience, I will never make voluntarily such a big map. I didn't realize how exhausting it will be. Never again!

4. Finally for no reason days ago I decided to expand my sm219 map to full potential. Before sm219 even started I already had Copper blockout and used its parts for sm219 map, but 70% of encounters were cut due to 40 mobs restriction. All in all map is all about classic quite brutal encounters. Surprising appearances of mobs. Also minimalistic but quite nice designs with, as always, Makkon textures


All in all working on 4 projects is stupid. I know. Don't know how it happened...