SM223 - Quad Run II

There's actually a lot of interesting things in these maps (Pinchy's map being the most unusual in a way which I wanted to do more of), but many of them are far too difficult on skill 0 to really complete. To some extent this is a natural consequence of the Quad Run design - although I don't remember the original Quad Run skewing this way, in fact I mostly completed that one!
I think Mazu's and Niccolicious' are the most successful on skill 0, and I did enjoy completing those a lot.
Had a blast with everyone's maps in this pack. Mapping for quad-focused combat is a tough challenge. Loads of additional monsters is to be expected, in order to balance the player's damage output, but it's tough to also respond to the player's normal damage intake, and dealing with spaces to keep them from being too crowded.
The result was interesting, to say the very least.
Riktoi's map was a personal favorite - not only is their approach to texturing and lighting unique (and awesome), but the visuals even serve as a way to balance the game play.
Super fun and difficult maps. If you love foggy void maps there is plenty of that too. FW's map has some really cool creative encounter design especially for a speedmap.