ptoing's texture miscellanea, edits, and sundries

Version 1.2:

Whole bunch of new stuff:

-Purple versions of the glowy numbers
-Slightly tweaked version of the other demon, plus bloody version
-Bloody version of glowy demon
-A few variants of rune key panels
-128 version of azfloor
-Flatter version of twall5_1, tiles less aggressively
-edoor which can be nicely cut up on 8x8 grid \o/
-edoor Saturn version but good colours
-Improved versions of arch2 arch2_2. Used textures form the unused workfiles to make a 256 version of arch2_2
-Animated button version of elwall1_3
-Version of light01 (face skin light) which is more glowy and does not look like it has actual fire behind it


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16 new comp textures made from the same Doom texture patch most of the original
comps were made from (WALL24_1)

These were pretty fun to make. Just grab bits and bobs from the Doom patch
and slap them together, colour adjust to make them match the Quake comps,
and polish a (fair) bit.
