Problems aside with layout scale and some of the flatness, the build is really clean and looks smooth. We owe a little to these maps as we had a great Insomnia jam(Jam X) based on these.
Hm. Played it for the 1st time...
Well in general I don't trust any author since I found out that Stephen King didn't like Kubrick's Shining. It's a rare case, but since then I take authors opinions on their own "children" with a grain of salt.
With this one I kinda agree with mr. Grawert that gameplay is tedious. Grindy. But he's way too harsh to himself! There are some really nice encounters, amuzing a player. Not too many, but they are all there to experience. Perhaps the last map is the most boring gameplay wise, most of times it's just enter & shoot and in a way too vast open spaces.
But. But! Brushwork is something to look at. Blood waterfalls are among nicest I ever saw in Quake. And SiFi curvy designs are quite unique and consistent. etc. Visually it's very appealing episode.
And damn environmental storytelling. That's what I loved the most. A jorney from future into past hooked me right away. When I first realizied there's a dark fantasy castle there - I was amazed. I didn't expect that. I thought the whole ep. is SiFi base themed. But nope it is not. And that was a highlight of the episode to me personally. I don't know why exactly, but I love when themes are switching or interveining, influencing each other.
All in all it's not Honey, Terra or Ceremonial Circles. I would not replay it. But experiencing it once is a must-have. There is ALOT of things to appreciate. THANKS to the Author.
*Since I introduced a comparison with Kubrick, then Coagula is like Kubrick's early works, which you are unlikely to revise, but does present unique deep ideas - they are all there, clumsy, but everything is in place. So experiencing it once is a must-do - well for those who appreciate artistic ideas & efforts on their own
**Sorry for many words. If I am myself saw such an amount of words I wouldn't read it. F**k these verbiages