Gameplay Mod AD+Cujo

Mods that only include changes to gameplay, but no maps of their own. Usually to be played with community Vanilla maps.
AD+Cujo v1.0
Cujo, the horror film inspired personal attack dog bot was first written in 1996 by Jonathan E. Wright (Nelno). AD+Cujo mod brings the original Cujo to Sock's epic, Arcane Dimensions, with a few enhancements.

I made this mod because I was fascinated by Cujo and Quake C when I was first played Quake in 1997. It all seemed like magic back then and its been a delight to return as a grown up and unravel some of the mysteries.


Demos: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3

Basic features:
* An autonomous allied dog named Cujo, who will follow the player and attack their enemies.
* Cujo will navigate terrain, jump gaps, swim, water jump.
* When lost Cujo will teleport back to his owner.
* When injured Cujo will find and eat gibs to restore his health.

AD+Cujo Enhancements:
* Full jump tracing - Cujo will trace the entire arc of his jump for obstacles.

* Gauge gaps - Cujo will gauge jump-able gaps in the terrain to find a landing spot on the far side.

* Dodge projectiles - Cujo will dodge player and enemy projectiles, moving geo and jumping monsters.

* Follow last sight - If Cujo is following and cannot see his owner, he will follow to the last place he saw his owner. This follow improves navigation.

* Avoid owners crosshair - During a melee attack (bite), and when his owners crosshair is over Cujo, he will attempt to maneuver behind an enemy to clear his owners line of sight for a shot.

* Plat wait - When a plat/door/train is activated by a player, if their Cujo is following and in view, the platform will wait until Cujo is beside his owner before it moves.

* Walk the dog - Cujo will walk in front of his owner while his owner is holding the walk button.

* Many minor AI enhancements including:
- Cujo will gauge the height of a ledge while jumping out of water.
- Cujo will jump of walls if he can still see his enemy and his jump touched geo.
- Cujo will stop chasing an enemy after a short time if he can't see it.
- Cujo will only find an enemy that his owner can see.
- Cujo will not attack a flying enemy that is flying above liquids or dangers.
- Cujo will stop attacking flying enemies if they have flown too high.
- Cujo will stop attacking Spawns when the player is close enough to be hurt by the explosion.
- Cujo will not attack undead enemies.

* With respect to the intention of the original author, much of the Cujo AI code has been polished or rewritten, with (most of) the additions noted.

Credit to original authors:
Arcane Dimensions - Sock
Cujo - Nelno the Amoeba
AD+Cujo - Matboe

Arcane Dimensions:

Cujo v1.4 (original Cujo by Nelno)

Cujo the movie (trailer)
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Release date
Apr 9, 2024
First uploaded
Last update
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