Guys, I've set up your files so that nails, rockets, grenades, and lightning bolts shoot out of weapons correctly when you look up and down. Now the nails of the nailgun fly out of the axis of the barrels.

All modified files and descriptions are archived.


Having a good time with this so far!

I do have to say that in the last secret map, I had a bear of a time getting into the area with the eighth crypt door. I eventually ended up having to rocket jump through a window. Assuming that's not the intended method, I'm curious what's the "real" way to get in there.
Zothique updated Ritual with a new update entry:

Low-Poly, Pixels, and Darkness: The Making of Ritual

Read the rest of this update entry...
BTW, tiny bug report if you ever do an update: I remember seeing a verb tense error in one of the "congratulations" texts (returning to the base) where it says "is pulsates through" instead of "is pulsating through".
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Have you guys tried getting the music to work on the original DOS or Windows executables? Would it require burning the music on an actual CD, or do you know of a working way using CD images instead?

P.S. Just played through the first mission on Mark V Winquake using a CRT and I'm simply loving it! I've been thinking of making maps with low wpoly counts and non-colored lights with linear attenuation, so it seems I haven't been the only one with a similar kind of itch. Can't wait to play the rest of the episode!
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Joel B to the rescue! I got my WinQuake patched to play external files now! Thanks so much!

(The reason I really want to use the original Winquake is because only the original executables seem to feature a "true" 320x200 resolution that my CRT outputs the oldschool way. All the other software renderer solutions either have "320x240" modes (Mark V, Tyrquake) or a 320x200 mode that still runs on the monitor's current resolution under the hood (Winquake restoration patch).)
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For that resolution with winquake is more tricky than dosbox because you will not get the double line and it is displayed it in its native resolution with big scanlines. It never was suppossed to look like that, but it is very crispy and cool imo.

Be sure your system is displaying that resolution well. You need to create a custom one at 70hz. If not, Windows makes a strange rendering at 60hz that looks blurry and ugly.
That's interesting, all this time I had thought the 320x200 modes are the same on both Dos and Windows versions of Quake. 😮 I went to have a quick comparison between the two after your reply, but I'm not sure I was able to make out an obvious difference. Am I currently just too tired/inebriated to see the scanlines?? 😄 And yes, I have enabled quite a few custom resolutions on the Nvidia control panel, so my CRT would output the appropriate resolutions when I'm playing my Dosbox games (and also Chocolate Doom and Winquake).
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By the way, Wood is another Doom port that will allow you to play it in the crt with custom resolution for modern maps. Also Eternity engine does.
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I take it you meant Woof, not Wood? Thanks a lot for the hint; I think I may have just found my new go-to Doom source port for CRT gaming! It feels super weird having Doom look "correct", but run at double the frame rate, since I wanted to try capping the frame rate at 70 FPS (the refresh rate of the VGA resolution).
I take it you meant Woof, not Wood? Thanks a lot for the hint; I think I may have just found my new go-to Doom source port for CRT gaming! It feels super weird having Doom look "correct", but run at double the frame rate, since I wanted to try capping the frame rate at 70 FPS (the refresh rate of the VGA resolution).
yeah woof!

you can config it in de woof.cfg:

[0-1(1)] 1 to enable uncapped rendering frame rate
uncapped 0

[0-500(0)] framerate limit in frames per second (< 35 = disable)
fpslimit 35

Doom was 35 fps, half of the hz refresh
I found that in the first room of ze1m1 it is possible to grab the secret SSG without triggering the secret - by poorly strafe jumping from spawn😅

Had a joy playing this through - very balanced handcrafted experience with no fillers!
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Excellent work!!! I managed to finish Nightmare by getting all the runes on the first try. The secrets are very intuitive.

I think i discovered a progression break in the map The Hypogeum (ze1m6). In this area at the end of the map, if the player uses a rocket jump and climbs to the floor above before activating the underwater lift, the game can cause a softlock if the player decides to enter the turned off lift and then fall back to the floor below, or worse case enters the water after this ogre platform rise. The platform blocks the path to the button that activates the underwater elevator, and it is also not possible to get out of the water if the player tries to enter it. My luck is that I had a save backup.

I played the entire campaign live on youtube. In the video I end up falling into this softlock at 1:14:18 if you are interested in checking it out (BTW i don't speak english, but it's not necessary to understand what I said).

The Hypogeum_ze1m6_2025-01-27_18-10-40.png
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I have found a bug and I also have a request for a very small change.

The bug is on ze1m3. On Hard/Nightmare difficulty there are 2 monsters that never spawn in even with all secrets found. This has happened on all three of my playthroughs using Ironwail 0.8.0

My request is to please put a torch next to this door on ze1m4.

I got lost on my first 2 runs because I never saw this door. This is the only place I ever got lost while playing through the episode and It seems to me that one torch to illuminate this doorway is all that's needed.
For everyone interested, here's my playthrough all the levels, including all secret levels and all secrets in all levels.