

New member
Mar 15, 2023
Chuma submitted a new resource:

Lamothe - Remake of my original Half-Life multiplayer map for Alkaline using Half-Life textures.

Map for Quake's mod Alkaline 1.2.1b.

What's the necessary to play? the map is shipped with the pak files and custom files. Put the Alk folder in your Quake sourceport of preference, i decided to do this by suggestion of Fabio (bmFbr) since the level is "big".

Author credits

Map name : Lamothe.

Author of the original map: Chuma.

## About the map
Long time ago in 2019, i decided to make a Half-Life multiplayer map for a competition in TWHL community, as a fun nod, things weren't...

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A small note, i just downloaded the github version created and then arranged the files, i think i should have made a folder called Lamothe and execute it like a mod, but i never thought of it much.

Create a folder within your sourceport of preference Preferrably called "Lamothe" or if you want you can try to run the direct downloaded folder into your sourceport of preference.

it's a nimity anyway, and Greenwood helped me with a better small description.

Glad you are enjoying my Alkaline map, this makes me so happy!
