1024 Cement Mixer


New member
Jun 27, 2024
Carter submitted a new resource:

1024 Cement Mixer - A small, fast and agressive overgrown concrete themed map

This map was created primarly to give myself a constraint of using the 1024 size to create a more agressive punchy style of map, the textures were created by myself for this map apart from the id buttons and gravel01

The space limitations meant I leaned into the blocky concrete setting using foliage to soften it somewhat in places, while I know could keep polishing the map its in a pretty good state to call it finished I think.

Huge thanks for testing the map and providing feedback...

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Excellent map, once you get a grasp of the pacing it flows very nicely!

I just want to mention one minor thing: The textures are way too noisy. I think it's worth calling out, because there are others here who have well defined processes for making Quake-palettized textures, so you could probably ask around. I know there are LUTs available (https://www.slipseer.com/index.php?resources/quake-1-luts-for-substance-designer-painter.92/) although it requires Substance designer/painter and an addon called Pixel8r